Altar and Cross
Praise the Lord "Praise the Lord!, oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For his mercy endures forever." Psalm 106:1

Our main Sunday service is held at 10.30am. Services follow the Methodist tradition, most Sundays there being a mix of traditional hymns and modern songs. The children normally leave after the second hymn for their Junior Church, but once a month we have an 'All Age Worship' when they remain in. Holy Communion is held at least once per month, the Lord's table is open to all.

Notes for Preachers

Sunday Services

July 28th10.30am Charmaine Dinham

August 4th10.30am Revd Sharon Gardner

August 11th10.30am Revd Soba Sinnathamby - Holy Communion

August 18th10.30am Worship Team

August 25th10.30am Peter Whalley

Service Recordings

Services are streamed on Zoom and available to be viewed on YouTube afterwards. Earlier ones can be found on our YouTube channel.

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